Pamela D. Blair
Published Author ~ Motivational Speaker ~ Holistically Trained Psychotherapist
Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D., is a holistically trained psychotherapist, life coach, and motivational speaker with a PhD from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. Pam has appeared in magazines, hundreds of shows and radio programs including ABC World News, CNN Headline News and Fox & Friends, and filmed for a television special entitled “Widowsville”.
She is the author of two books for women; The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife and Beyond, and Getting Older, Better. Pam’s also the co-author of the best-selling, award-winning book on sudden loss and grief titled, I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye. She is currently retired, facilitating a group for women writers, mentoring in the school system, working on a novel, and living in Shelburne, VT with her husband and two cats.
Pam is an international best seller and her books have been translated into multiple languages. Look for her new release Verderer: Guardian Of The Forest coming soon!